Sunday, July 30, 2017

How does that saying go?

There is that expression that if it was not for bad luck, I would not have any luck at all. Admittedly that is how I am feeling lately. A little while ago tried doing some kayaking, a fairly common summer activity. As I reflect upon it now, something that happened before my MS, but stopped because of a lack of opportunity and not because MS. I figured that the difficult part would be getting into the kayak, without remembering the significance for balance.  Getting into the device was fairly straightforward, and pushed off from the dock without any problems. A few moments later I found myself upside down, submerged in the water. A few moments later, I managed to get back to the dock and out of the water. Unfortunately, I did not have a change of clothes, so stayed out there on the dock, dripping wet, as the kids continued enjoyed themselves out on the water. It should not come as any surprise that I managed to catch a cold in the middle of the summer time.

A couple of days later, I crossed paths with someone who had a case of pink eye, which I caught of course. So coughing, hacking, and squinting in one eye. What a wonderful summer. So like said previously, luck seems to be pretty negative lately.  

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