Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Just completed the 2nd year on the protocol

Well as the title says, two years on the protocol have passed. I am not doing as well as I would have hoped have hoped, especially considering how quickly the initial improvements happened. There have been some set backs, timed where I was certain that I would never get better. I have managed to continue along and now find myself filled with hope once again. That is not a feeling that has been present in recent times. There is nothing definite or affirmative that I can point to justify these feelings. That does not mean that I am less certain or doubtful that things are going to be positive, work out. It’s great to have hope, and this does not feel like blind faith, there are several pieces of information and direction that I have been given from a couple of different medical professionals familiar with the protocol. While each is helpful on its own, hopefully the combination of all three will spark dramatic improvements for me. Fingers crossed that next month the post will include information about my calcium being down at the very least, additional good news would be desired and welcomed of course.