Sunday, March 12, 2017

Deciding to take the first step

A brief history about myself.

I was diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting MS (RRMS) on valentines day in 2006; however, it seems that symptoms started showing as early as 2002. Treatment for the first couple of years included Beta interferons, unfortunately, there were still several relapses. Thankfully the doctor finally switched to Tysabri back in Nov, 2010. During the fall of 2015, the only relapse while taking Tysabri was experienced. For those that are not aware of this medication, it comes with a whole set of possible side effects that must be considered. A few months ago a friend suggested researching the success of using Coimbra protocol in treating a number of diseases, including MS.

It may be surprising to discover there are actually books regarding the protocol published and available on Amazon. There were even more items returned when conducting a similar search on YouTube. Eventually it was decided to begin the Coimbra Protocol. The motivation for this blog is two fold, first to help put thoughts, feelings, and even fears to paper. Secondly, to hopefully provide additional information for other patients of MS as they are trying to decide if this treatment might be right for them.

I do not live in a part of the world where there are currently doctors trained to administer the protocol. Thankfully, I have reached out to a couple whom have expressed a willingness to use Skype and WhatsApp instead of requiring a visit in person. Laboratory results are expected in a week, which will immediately be forwarded on to at least one of the doctors previously mentioned. Currently, the plan is for weekly updates to the blog, but that could change depending upon how things are progressing within the treatment. Some links for additional sources of information that proved to be useful will be posted in the next couple of days while waiting for the lab results. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Michael, I would like to have a chat with you - I also suffer from MS. Could you e-mail me at Or give me an e-mail address of yours? Thank you very much
