Thursday, January 31, 2019

Jan has come and gone

Well January 2019 is now in the books. As I look back at the month, the following events happened. I started the protocol under a trained medical professional. My current doctor has been trained by Dr. Coimbra, in addition, her medical training provides additional options and alternatives. The first meeting left me very excited and hopeful, not only with the information provided, but also with possibilities. Unfortunately, nothing has happened just yet, but I am trying to remain optimistic. Another slight chance is increasing my water intake. I can understand that increasing from 3L per day to 3.5L may not seem like much. I do believe that is a factor in lowering my creatinine. It's still in the upper range, but is under the upper limit. I do appreciate that. The other change is adding swimming 3 times a week. For those of you that read my earlier posts, I had videos of me walking. I continued recording those videos in 2018, but very few of them ever got posted as I felt that they showed a decline. Now I am wondering about videos of my swimming. We will see, depending upon how my swimming improves and I am able to find an individual willing to take a video of me.

A little more about my "swimming".  This is my 3rd week. The first day in the pool was really more like water aerobics, with half a pool length of swimming done twice. The next time in the water I did the half lap 6 times, and found someone to shoot a short video of one of my 1/2 laps. From there I would increase the number of laps, but did more walking and such to help with mobility and balance. That was until today, when I got my latest test results, which showed my calcium going very much in the wrong direction. The days that I do not swim, I participate in the MS gym, which is good exercise and helps with balance and mobility, but is not really strenuous. 30 minutes of vigorous exercise is necessary to lower calcium, so today I switched to swimming laps in the pool. I did a full lap 4 times, and the rest of the time was swimming from the point where the shallow meets the deep end to the wall, and back. Once I reached the shallow end, I would stand and take like 3 steps towards the shallow wall, turn around back towards the deep end. Those 5 steps or so I would use to catch my breath, rest my arms, before swimming to back to thew wall and repeat the process. I lost track of how many laps I completed, need to do a better job tracking in the future. I am planning on doing the blood tests once again in two weeks, and try to see if these changes, additions, are having the desired effect. On days like today when I do to the pool, I do move a little slower in the afternoon, but I do feel it's have a positive effect.

So in a couple weeks I will have an update and share the results, fingers crossed they are positive

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