Tuesday, May 9, 2017

First week recap

Well I have completed the first of the protocol. Michael requested that we have our Skype meeting in an environment without distractions, so I suggested Friday as it is the weekend here. So while that mean I would be away from wok, it also meant that I would not completed a full week on the protocol. Michael wanted to error on the side of safety and did not increase my dosage of vitamin d. He instead suggested waiting until the next weekly meeting, and if everything remained positive would be comfortable increasing the amount then. Admittedly I was a little disappointed because not only have I been feeling fine, it seemed that protocol was having positive results and benefits. At the same time I am willing to trust Michael's judgment, and is only a temporary delay, 1 week.

Yesterday Aiden made the comment in the morning the my walk seemed to be straighter, more stable. Then later in the day, 4 separate individuals at completely different and unrelated times said that they noticed that the pace of my walk had increased dramatically. Admittedly, all 4 are aware of the protocol and that I am currently participating, but it was reassuring to be told by outside entities that a difference was noticed. As for myself, I feel that walking is taking less effort. I really was not paying attention to the pace, so cannot say with any certainty regarding the pace. I can say that I have noticed that I am taking considerably less Lyrica for pain as well. Whereas I would typically take 3 pills a day, that amount was the total for the entire week, I cannot discount the possibility that increase in temperature was a factor for my needing the pills those three days. All three pills were consumed with my lunch, on pretty hot days.

So that summarizes the first week. I feel off to a positive start and I am excited and hopeful about the upcoming experiences of the protocol. Aside from the differences mentioned above, I cannot recall the last time I was feeling hopeful, optimistic, and really looking forward to the future. 

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